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Section 1. Eligibility, Classes of Membership and Dues

Any person of Indian origin shall be considered a Member at Large of India Culture Center. However, for voting purposes, certain categories of Membership have been established. The Board of Directors shall establish membership categories and dues to be paid for those categories, from time to time. The current categories and the corresponding dues levels are as follows:

  1. Patron Member: Any eligible person who pays at least $5,001.00 or more in a calendar year to ICC shall be considered as patron upon the approval of the board. Life membership shall be extended to the patron and to the spouse. Both spouses shall be considered as voting members. $4000.00 from this membership shall be transferred to the reserve fund within 30 days of receipt of the funds from the member.
  2. Life Member: Any eligible person who pays at least $250.00 in any one year to the Center shall be considered as a life member. The membership shall also be extended to the spouse of the Life Member: both spouses shall be considered as voting members.
  3. Senior Citizen Member: Any couple (at least one spouse is aged 65 years or more) that pays annual membership dues of $20.00 shall become senior citizen members with two votes. However, individual Senior citizen shall become a senior citizen member by paying annual membership dues of $10.00 with one vote.
  4. Student Member: Any bonafide student enrolled in a college or university who pays annual membership dues of $l0.00 shall become a student member with one vote.
  5. Partnering Organization Member: Any Indo-American organization is eligible to become Partnering Organization Member of ICC, upon approval by the Board we have :

a) 5 Years Membership:$250

b) Life Membership: $500

It is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status. Must be in existence for three years or more and subscribes to the objectives of ICC and agrees to abide by its bylaws. Has at least 50 paid members. An exception, to the number of members, shall be approved by the two-thirds majority of the board.

4) 90% of the general membership and the executive committee shall consist of Indian ancestry.

5) Shall not be an Alumni Association.

A representative of a Partnering Organization shall become a voting member of the Board. However, such member shall not be eligible for any position on the Executive Committee or Chair of any Committee.

Benefits: All types of members shall receive two discounted tickets to ICC events.

Section 2. Proof of Membership.
ICC shall issue Membership Cards to all paying members. These cards, canceled checks, or receipts of payments of dues shall constitute proof of membership.

Section 3. Membership Period.
The annual membership period shall be from January 1 to December 31.

Section 4. Transfer of Membership.
Membership in ICC shall not be transferable or assignable to other persons. Members may, however, convert the membership to a different class.

Become A Member Form

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